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My early retirement from the airline industry
Author: Gerardo Vergara My decision to walk out of a regular employment was sort of an awakening that I did not belong there because I am a free thinker who loves doing and learning about anything that interested me on my own. […]
My Story
Author: Veena Vasista (Reprinted from Veena’s blog: See & Connect) My name is Veena Vasista. I’m a Yank who grew up in the Chicago suburbs, went to university in upstate New York and left the States at age 23 to live in Europe – first Germany and then England, which – more or less – has been where I have lived for the last twenty years. My parents migrated to the US from India in the 60s. […]
Walking Out of the Gallery Scene
Author: Sarah Zoutewelle-Morris Dear people, I would like to tell an inspiring story, but I find myself in the uncomfortable in-between state of having walked out of the old, and not yet having hit solid ground in the new. And perhaps this story needs to be told as well for others who are in a similar position. […]
Gifts of the Magi in Moscow
Author: Ekaterina Khaletskaya “I think there is something in you. Or maybe there isn’t something in you. Although that’s probably the same thing.” – Haruki Murakami The idea to host a gifting evening came to us a few weeks ago when Masha and I were sitting in the kitchen at the office where we work. We were inspired by the invitation from the Walk Out Walk On community to host a Shop of the Open Heart. We exchanged our experiences with gifting at this time of the year and how we often miss the meaning of it all. We also said [...]
Finding a New Path Forward
Author: Jose Luis Esparza I worked at Procter & Gamble for 22 years, in Mexico for 9 years and almost 13 in Cincinnati. I was happy in my work and was working very hard, around 12 hours per day. I was doing something that I love, which is sustainability and renewable energy. However, one night, around 2.5 years ago I realized that this was not what I really want to do. It was not my life mission. So I decided to look for my life mission. […]
Never Really Took Part
Author: Floris Koot I never felt I really fit in, though I tried. I really did. I never succeeded, but I can play the part like I fit in. This led me to a discovery. I feel there’s so much grey between walking out and staying in. I lived in that grey for years and will continue to. I am a bridge builder and man of many worlds. I am at the edge of everything, therefore also a Walk Out. For years I struggled with this, until I bought a book about the fool. When I saw the book, I [...]
The Inspiring Flipside of Bureaucracy
Author: Liam Barrington-Bush When I was told I was being made redundant from a national charity in England two-and-a-half years ago, I was upset for about an hour. Then I was relieved. Then I started applying for jobs. And then something shifted. More accurately, it shifted when I was offered a new job; also at a national charity, but moving into the ranks of management. A positive career step, by any traditional measure, but when I thought about the seamless transition from one organisation I felt had long outlived its passion and usefulness, to another, I felt physically ill. [...]
Letting Go of the Ledge
Author: Yasmina Alpargatas My name is Yasmina Alpargatas, I am a mixed woman of the diaspora, of East African/Gujarati Indian and Uruguayan/Italian/Spanish/Guarani ancestry, born and raised in Toronto, Canada. I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve got to walk out of my job. Every day, it feels less and less right, being there. Every day I’m capable of taking less shit. I’m opening my mouth and speaking out. I just can’t hold it in any longer. The culture of my work is soul crushing, and she is crying out to be released. The irony is that she sits in a [...]
Walking Out Over and Over Again
Author: Lex Schroeder We often become walkouts long before we call ourselves walkouts. We make choices to walk out of systems, lifestyles, and beliefs that no longer serve us long before we understand ourselves as walkouts or find our new community. We do what we need to do unconsciously at first, not realizing the self-preserving choices we’ve made until later. Good choices happen just like bad choices—while we’re busy living our lives, sometimes without us noticing and almost always without us fully comprehending. At least this has been my experience. […]
Broccoli Seeds and Bicimaquinas
Author: Aerin Dunford My tasks this morning included washing clothes in a bicycle-powered washing machine and harvesting broccoli seeds from a flowering plant. If you had told me six years ago that these would be “normal” activities for me, I would have hardly believed you. In 2005 I was deeply immersed in a very different world: studying for a master’s degree in management in Vermont and on my way to becoming another cog in the non-profit industrial complex as an organizational consultant or NGO profesionista. Today, I live in Oaxaca, Mexico and work in urban gardens, host conversations about engaging [...]
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