A Poem by Margaret Wheatley
Why Change Happens
The only reason change happens on this planet,
the only reason change ignites across networks,
the only reason Daniel’s invention finds new forms
as he carries it from Mexico to India,
the only reason Unitierra succeeds in creating joyful universities,
the only reason Zapatistas speak to the hearts of millions,
the only reason 7 trees planted in Kenya blossom across Africa
into forests of 40 million. . .
The only reason these changes happen is because of people.
People who discover they’re creative and caring.
People who know others are like them, creative and caring.
People who learn to trust themselves and everyone else.
People who know that dreams only manifest when shared.
People who pour time and love into creating
the places where ever more people,
no matter how oppressed or beaten down,
no matter how beaten down,
will step forward and
confidently, predictably, miraculously
discover their true human spirits.
Are you a Zapatista?