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About the Author: Sarah Whiteley

Stopped Dead by Death on ‘Burnt Thursday’
I finally took my walk with Freddie – my sweet kairos protector – who stood in front of the Apothiki looking directly at me as I sat at my computer – saying it was now time to go. He had not had his morning walk. I was in no mood to go – and anyway, he had gone hurtling out of the door to visit the neighbours. It was after all an hour later than his usual excursion as I had overslept due to finally getting to sleep in the early hours of the morning. It was time to get [...]
Dare Step into the Fire of your Heart’s Song
If asked to name what was most necessary to walk out and walk on, it would be to follow the heart’s song – the deep intuitive resonance that compels and guides the movement into the unknown. Bridging Now and Then Holding All that is still to be And has Become The Song Sung with Heart-full breath Beyond the Self Blessings’ wealth […]
We – human Beings, humanity – are at a crossroads that holds profound choice. Do we go this way or that? Do we stay on the path we are on… or choose another? Do we let go, open up, walk out… walk on? All are possible. All are choices. Yet what choice provides the greatest flow, the greatest service, the greatest potential? How do we discern? How do we find the courage to say YES – and move… in order to place ourselves well? This poem speaks to some of the choices, I believe, we face. […]
Cracks in the Ice
“There are Cracks in the Ice!!” “Don’t worry, we’re fast climbers!” * * * We had seen the forecast and knew we needed to get to the base of the ice climb early. As a staff team of Outdoor educators, we were in training in the Scottish Highlands learning the winter arts of ice-climbing, skiing and winter mountaineering. We were excited as this year – 1985 – held the best conditions for years. Glistening, thick snow, cold conditions and bright blue skies. We were blessed. So here we were – journeying to the base of Oui Oui before dawn – [...]
Balancing the Edge with Beauty
The Edge is really here in Greece – and the call for transformation resonating at all levels. Despair and Outrage are rising as the injustices become more visible – and equally Responsibility and Resilience are arising also. As Maria wrote in an email a day ago: “I am in Athens right now – and the disintegration of the old system is really strong – everything is coming to a standstill here – garbage is not being collected, general strikes about two days a week on average, kids are striking and not going to school because books are not available for [...]
Inspiration Weaving in the Region
On Saturday, 09/10/2011, 21:00, in front of the Tel – Aviv and throughout Israel, 1000 tables set the stage for a Round Table Discussion / World Cafe: מהו אותו צדק חברתי שהעם דורש? What is it requires people to social justice? A skype interview with Danny Gal – co-initiator and co-host of the event was hosted by Maria Bakari in Rhodes. Their dialogue illuminated the story, preparations & processes plus the excitement and clarities flowing since the event. They also shared essences that will continue to inform and inspire many other movements, including here in Greece – as well nourish [...]
Balance Point of Truths
A dear and trusted friend voiced a concern of me having posted the video of the UKIP MEP, Nigel Farage – a UK public servant who’s political party, according to Google is ‘Libertarian, non-racist party seeking Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.’ I replied, “Yes, I (we) know he is of the Right. He simply offers a (strong) perspective. I am not aiming to ‘profile’ him as such, neither do I get overexcited or concerned about his ‘radical’ nature. Yet he is a voice that somehow speaks in opposition to and counter-balances some of the opinion of ‘others’, who are [...]
Safety Nets of Learning
I found an incredible video of a young guy committed to climbing harder rock climbs without a rope – and yet wanting to stay safe as he learned. He innovated by learning over rivers, so that if he fell, he would fall into the water. Yet, in wanting to take his learning inland…he innovated and engineered a huge, highly responsive safety net that he precisely positioned under the climb! See… This speaks to me of the spaces such as Axladitsa, the space we are seeking to create in Athens…and the temporary tent villages that rise and fall, based on need [...]
Wholeness of Economy
Yesterday I received a question from someone on a Ning network, who had clearly read my profile page and blog entries….“ Sarah…How are you systematically shifting your own financial system…or is that a question too far…?” To which I replied…”Fundamentally – thank you for asking…x” “Sarah…fundamentally is a big call, where do you start or where did you start…?” It got me thinking, that perhaps I needed to become conscious and harvest my learning journey to date. […]
All is not lost
On the face of it, its hard not to lose heart. Yet, in a sense, the situation here in Greece is getting more real – with the deeper layers of culture exposed through the events these past months. It has informed our conversations within our local field here and shown the nature of the real challenges ahead. So we, Anthi, Odysseas, Maria and I met these past weekend – sensing into the call for our work here – now. It is taking slow, deliberate effort and regular connection – both in person and virtually – exploring the edges of our [...]
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