Walking Out and On BLOG POSTS
Posts related to Walking Out and On
Within, By Questioning
Author: Cleo Petric I am seating in a lecture hall at Middlebury College, listening to Bayo Akomolafe on "decommissioning whiteness." Absorbed in his thoughts, and simultaneously immersed in my own, I 'walk out', further out of my certitudes, 'walk on' further into uncertainty. Toward the end of the lecture, one professor introduces themself, explaining that they linger for intertwining spirituality with science, and is in search of initiatives to do so. I am pulled by that intervention, introduce myself, and express my curiosity toward his interest. The conversation organically flows in depth; and as it does I am caught by one [...]
Spiraling round and round
On the Walk Out Walk On journey, at some point we often wrestle with questions of right livelihood. In my own life, I’ve noticed that it is not easy living the future now when I’m confronted with economic scarcity. So I feel blessed to have had the opportunity the past two years to do this work as a steward of the Walk Out Walk On community—a community that is deeply aligned with my values, beliefs and worldview. […]
Route 30
Author: Sarah Zoutewelle-Morris Friend and walk out Sarah Zoutewelle-Morris has been sharing with us stories from her community in Warfhuizen, Holland for the past several months. In her last post, Walking (on) the Talk she talked about her work with a neighborhood organization looking to shift a dangerous local traffic situation. She wrote about the challenges of showing up as leader-as-host vs. leader-as-hero in the meetings. Here’s an update from Sarah about what’s been happening. […]
Learn from India: A personal learning journey
“A ‘learning-exchange’ was taking place all the time as the boundaries of age, culture and socio-economic background simply vanished in the process of our mutual friendship.” – Vipul Shaha A little over a year ago, Vipul Shaha was living in the United States and had just completed a degree in educational psychology from Harvard. In the eyes of many, the world was his oyster—filled with opportunities to start changing things for better. Yet Vipul himself was not so sure about this. Despite his desire to be constantly learning about “‘cutting-edge’ theories and innovative models in education,” he had a sense [...]
Giftitale: restoring a soft hope that magic is possible
Not so many moons ago, in a land that bridges East and West, modern and ancient, 40 great souls travelled for days and nights from all corners of the globe—from Palestine and Canada, Brazil and Australia, India and the U.S., Nigeria, Mexico and many more—to gather in Anatolia (Turkey). This remarkable encounter was called Giftival: a meeting, festival, inquiry and commemoration of the practice of gift culture. If you will indulge me, dear readers, I’d like to spin a tale for you of a magical moment I lived during our days in Istanbul. […]
The resettling of my bones and heart
Reflections from Kailea Frederick on our weeklong Walk Out Walk On workshop at the International Youth Initiative Program (YIP). The piece was originally posted on Kailea’s blog, This was a much anticipated workshop for many of my fellow Yippies, although I had never previously heard of Walk Out Walk On. We had just emerged from the exhaustion of our two week Permaculture Course, and I was feeling like my purpose of being here had been swallowed whole. So with a half day of rest between courses we arrived Monday morning into what would unfold for me the resettling of [...]
Triggering positive changes
Author: Haikaa Yamamoto My name is Haikaa, I am a multicultural singer-songwriter and author and I am absolutely passionate about empowering people. So many of the problems in our world that bother me either arise from or feed on disempowerment. As an artist, my music centers around themes such as self-acceptance, assertiveness, love and surrender. […]
I am a cleaner
Author: Tolu Ilesanmi This is a piece reposted from our friends at Organization Unbound by Tolu Ilesanmi. We thought that it was such a great example of walking out of limiting beliefs that we would share it with the Walk Out Walk On community. The post is an update on Tolu’s social/spiritual enterprise Zenith Cleaners. You can learn more about the history and vision of the company by reading his earlier post on Organization Unbound, Cleaning for a change. Zenith Cleaners continues to evolve. Very exciting times. We are taking further the concept of Cleaning as Practice and building our [...]
Reclaiming myself in community
Early in August, Deborah Frieze and I gathered together with 20 of our friends for an experiment. We called it “Village Week,” and our idea was to bring together folks whom we dearly loved for a week of play, learning, good conversation and rest. […]
Walking (on) the Talk
Author: Sarah Zoutewelle-Morris Walk Out Walk On is not just about communities in poor countries. The issues arising on these journeys are hyper relevant to anyone wanting to live and act more consciously in these times. I’ve read the book, and studied it in detail because so many points resonated for me. In order to digest as well as share the material I’ve also written fairly extensively about several topics (leadership, start anywhere follow it everywhere) on my blog. But the acid test comes not from writing about it, but living it. I got my chance when asked to join [...]
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